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Changing It Up, Y'all

Howdy folks! Today on Instagram I shared a little bit about how conflicted I felt about cat hats. I've always enjoyed crafting, baking, watercoloring, sewing, and writing and for a long time I got to connect some of those interests by making and selling cat hats. So much has changed for me since I founded Scooter Knits in 2009. Relationships, living situations, and more recently, I became a mom. For those and various other reasons, I retreated a bit from social media. I think that after years of working full-time and running Scooter Knits (as well as pursuing other crafts and interests), I just needed a break.

Sara Thomas with her cat Sinclair, who sadly passed away in 2018.

When I was approached in 2014 by a well-respected publisher about writing a book that featured my cat hat patterns, I was shocked. Mostly because I'd always wanted to write a book with my cat hat patterns but hadn't pursued that dream. As I went through the process of taking my beloved patterns, some that I had made hundreds of times for my Etsy customers, I was also saying goodbye to them. I knew once they were released that they wouldn't just be mine - that many other crafters could enjoy them (and some people sell them too which I'm honestly not crazy about but I knew it would happen before publishing).

For nearly a year now, I've stayed at home with my son and reflected on life and how much it has changed - how much I've changed. And broader still, how much our world has changed. As a naturally shy person (hullo classic introvert + pisces right here), I realized that there are many creative aven

ues I'm interested in. And finally, I feel bold enough to share.

My mind is always buzzing about what I can make. The need to hold something in my hands and interact with it is pure and strong, but I kept stifling those urges because of time or the inability to quantify them. I still struggle with that, like, why should I sew tiny felt things? What would I do with them? But if you follow me on Pinterest you'll note how obsessed I am with them right now, ha!

You guys, if you've even read this I'm truly honored. Because from this point on, Scooter Knits will be a lot broader than cat hats (but I'll still be writing patterns for them from time to time). But it'll still be quirky me, opening up (terrifying) and trying not to be too embarrassed about sharing my personal projects with you.

I'm truly grateful for anyone who supported cat hats, for those of you who have bought Cats in Hats, and for the opportunities I've had along the way.

Lots of love! xo

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